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Advanced Materials and Devices
Theory Group
Trail Blazers Event at USF in 2024
The Trail Blazers speaker series highlights leading faculty at the College of Arts and Sciences. This year, Prof. Woods was featured as a speaker presenting "The Quantum Leap: Unveiling the Future of Computing and its Potential Effects in Our Lives"
Physics is being represented in the Manougian STEM Education Center in Summer 2024.
Highly motivated high school students from Strawberry Crest, King High and Kirkland Ranch Academy are being hosted by our group. As part of this initiative, high school students are also visiting different labs to learn about ongoing research and participate in specially designed experiments.
In Prof. Andreas Muller's lab seeing how Rahman spectroscopy can be used for optical sensors.
In Prof. Humberto Rodriguez Gutierrez’s lab learning about 2D materials and their properties
In Prof. Dmitry Voronine’s lab learning how lasers are used to study biological matter
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